Aug 26, 2020
S. Brent Rodriguez Plate is a writer, editor, public speaker, and college professor. He's interested in how sensuality affects spirituality. His writings all circle around questions of the ways sense perceptions influence ways of being religious, and how religious traditions change our ways of perceiving the world...
Aug 17, 2020
Dr. Maldonado-Estrada is Assistant Professor of Religion at Kalamazoo College where she teaches classes on religion and masculinity, Catholics in the Americas, urban religion, and religions of Latin America. She is an ethnographer and her research focuses on material culture, contemporary Catholicism, and gender and...
Aug 10, 2020
Jonathan McFarland teaches Classical Ideas and World Religions at Hickman High School in Columbia, Missouri.
Aug 3, 2020
In this special episode, friends, family, past students, and colleagues of George tell stories about why they loved him. George founded Classical Ideas and World Religions at Hickman High School in Columbia, Missouri in 1989-1990 and taught the course until 2016. George passed away May 14, 2020 in Columbia, Missouri.