Oct 31, 2017
Rev. Josh Privitt was called as Associate Pastor at St. Peter’s UCC in Ferguson, Missouri in August of 2014 after graduating from Eden Theological Seminary with a Masters of Divinity.
Oct 26, 2017
Baha'u'llah is the founder of the Baha'i Faith. 2017 marks the 200th anniversary of his birth. This discussion with Dr. Sahba Jalali and Kurt Saxton offers insight into the auspicious nature of 2017 for the world's Baha'i population.
Oct 20, 2017
Seido Ray Ronci is a Rinzai Zen monk and the director of the Hokoku-An Zendo meditation center in Columbia, Missouri. He is the author of the poetry collection The Skeleton of the Crow, winner of the 2009 PEN Center USA Award for Poetry, and This Rented Body (2006). He contributed to the Zen poetry collection America...
Oct 14, 2017
Dr. Sheetal Dharmadhikari is a member of the Brahma Kumaris. The Brahma Kumaris are a spiritual movement associated with the United Nations and are present in UNICEF. Founded in India in 1937, Brahma Kumaris has spread to over 110 countries on all continents and is an international NGO.
Oct 7, 2017
Dr. Gopal and Anantha Gopalaratnam are founding members of the Shanthi Mandir Hindu Temple and Community Center of Mid-Missouri.